Submission History: Application No. 0193/FUL/21 - Erection of 21 maturation warehouses totalling 41,175sqm, ancillary buildings, drainage, roads, landscaping, bridge across NCR75 and gates to control vehicular access across NCR75 (as amended) at Land to South of Glen Turner Distillery, Starlaw Road, Bathgate, EH47 7BW (herewith) Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Application No. 0193/FUL/21 - Erection of 21 maturation warehouses totalling 41,175sqm, ancillary buildings, drainage, roads, landscaping, bridge across NCR75 and gates to control vehicular access across NCR75 (as amended) at Land to South of Glen Turner Distillery, Starlaw Road, Bathgate, EH47 7BW (herewith)".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
West Lothian Council (Planning) 12/08/2021 Click here