Submission History: Application No. 0041/FUL/18 - Application under Section 42 to vary condition 1 of 0161/FUL/15 to extend the hours of use of pitch to 8.35am-6pm (Mon-Fri) and 9am-1pm (Sat) and permit other Education Services and Local Club Users (amended description - removal of Sunday use) at Broxburn Academy, Galmeilen, Broxburn (herewith). Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Application No. 0041/FUL/18 - Application under Section 42 to vary condition 1 of 0161/FUL/15 to extend the hours of use of pitch to 8.35am-6pm (Mon-Fri) and 9am-1pm (Sat) and permit other Education Services and Local Club Users (amended description - removal of Sunday use) at Broxburn Academy, Galmeilen, Broxburn (herewith).".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Development Management Committee 11/04/2018 Click here