Submission History: Request for Deputation in relation to Agenda Item 6 (Update on Spiral Marking Layout, Dechmont Roundabout) relating to traffic issues in Dechmont Village - Lodged by Sarah MacDonald and Linden Raeburn, Dechmont Village residents. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Request for Deputation in relation to Agenda Item 6 (Update on Spiral Marking Layout, Dechmont Roundabout) relating to traffic issues in Dechmont Village - Lodged by Sarah MacDonald and Linden Raeburn, Dechmont Village residents. ".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Broxburn, Uphall and Winchburgh Local Area Committee 21/05/2015 Click here