West Lothian Council Agenda - 15 December 2015, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, Civic Centre, Livingston at 10:00 on 15 December 2015.

For further information contact Anne Higgins, Tel: 01506 281601 or email: anne.higgins@westlothian.gov.uk

Number Item
Public Session 
1Apologies for Absence View Papers
2Order of Business, including notice of urgent business View Papers
3Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. View Papers
4Minutes -
(a)Confirm Draft Minute of Meeting of West Lothian Council held on Tuesday 10 November 2015 (herewith) View Papers
(b)Correspondence Arising From Previous Decisions (herewith) View Papers
(c)Note Minute of Meeting of Performance Committee held on Monday 05 October 2015 (herewith) View Papers
(d)Note Meeting of Employee Appeals Committee (Private) held on Friday 16 October 2015 (herewith) View Papers
(e)Note Minute of Meeting of Employee Appeals Committee (Private) held on Monday 02 November 2015 (herewith) View Papers
Public Items for Decision 
5Election Business View Papers
6Notice of Motion - HMRC Proposed Office Closures - Submitted by Councillor Anderson (herewith) View Papers
7Notice of Motion - HMRC - Submitted by Councillor McGinty (herewith) View Papers
8Notice of Motion - Linlithgow Planning Forum Motion - Submitted by Councillor De Bold (herewith) View Papers
9Notice of Motion - Congratulations to Boghall Butchers - Submitted by Councillor McGinty (herewith) View Papers
10Documents for Execution View Papers
Public Items for Information 
11Cappers Bridge, Armadale - Question to the Executive Councillor for Development and Transport Submitted by Councillor Sarah King (herewith) View Papers
12Performance Indicators - Question to the Leader of the Council Submitted by Councillor Borrowman (herewith) View Papers
13Cathlaw Lane, Slackend and the Westfield Road,Torphichen - Question to the Executive Councillor for Development and Transport (herewith) View Papers