Partnership and Resources Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (replaced by the new Corporate Policy & Resources PDSP 22-6-22) Agenda - 05 December 2008,  Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, West Lothian House at on 05 December 2008.

Number Item
Public Session 
02Order of Business, including notice of urgent business
03Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
3Apologies for Absence
04Minute of Special Meeting of the Partnership and Resources Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel held on 27th October 2008 (herewith) View Papers
05Minute of Meeting of the Partnership and Resources Policy Development and Scrutiiny Panel held on 31st October 2008 (herewith) View Papers
06Community Council Scheme Review - Report by Chief Solicitor (herewith) View Papers
07Information Security, Data Protection and Records Management Policies - Report by Head of Support Services (herewith) View Papers
08Chancellor's Pre Budget Report 2008 - Report by Head of Finance (herewith) View Papers
092008/09 Revenue Budget - Update on Progress Towards Achieving 2008/09 Budget Efficiencies - Report by Head of Finance (herewith)
10Impact of the Economic Situation on Financial Strategy - Report by Head of Finance (herewith) View Papers
11Report on Progress Against the Corporate Plan - Report by Head of Finance (herewith) View Papers
12Example of Quarterly Performance Report to Partnership and Resources Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel - Report by Chief Executive (to follow)
13Multi-Member Ward Working Protocol - Report by Chief Executive (herewith) View Papers
14Proposed Guidance for Conduct in Council and Committee Meetings - Report by Chief Executive (to follow)
15Workplan 2008/09 (herewith) View Papers