Council Executive Agenda - 07 June 2022, 11:00 Help

A meeting to be held at MS Teams Virtual Meeting at 11:00 on 07 June 2022.

For further information please contact Val Johnston, Tel No.01506 281604 or email

Number Item
Public Session 
1Apologies for Absence View Papers
2Declarations of Interest - Members must declare any interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda items and the nature of their interests. View Papers
3Order of Business, including notice of urgent business, declarations of interest in any urgent business and consideration of reports for information.

The Chair will invite members to identify any such reports they wish to have fully considered, which failing they will be taken as read and their recommendations approved. View Papers
4Confirm Draft Minutes of Meeting of Council Executive held on Tuesday 19 April 2022.(herewith) View Papers
Public Items for Decision 
5Linlithgow Marches - Riding of the Marches - report by Chief Executive (herewith) View Papers
6Renaming of Whitburn Library - report by Head of Housing, Customer and Building Services (herewith) View Papers
7Scottish Government Consultation on Proposed Guidance for Provision of Community Equipment & Housing Adaptions - report by Head of Social Policy (herewith) View Papers
8Scottish Government Consultation on the Review of Mental Health and Incapacity Law in Scotland - report by Head of Social Policy (herewith) View Papers
9Units 7, 8 and 9 Newyearfield Farm Business Units, Hawk Brae, Livingston Proposed Lease Variation - Dr Keith Love trading as Newyearfield Dental Care - report by Head of Finance and Property Services (herewith) View Papers
10Proposed 3G Sports Pitch and Ancillary Facilities at Volunteer Park, North Street, Armadale - report by Head of Finance and Property Services (herewith) View Papers
11The Former County Buildings Annex, 89-91 High Street, Linlithgow - Proposed Sale to James Alexander Hay and Hazel Hay - report by Head of Finance and Property Services (herewith) View Papers
12School Clothing Grant Update - report by Finance and Property Services (herewith) View Papers
13Regeneration Capital Grant Fund 2023/24 - report by Depute Chief Executive (herewith) View Papers
14Effective Date of Living Wage Payment - report by Head of Corporate Services (herewith) View Papers
15Appointment to Outside Bodies - report by Chief Executive (herewith) View Papers
Public Items for Information 
16Early Retiral and Voluntary Severance - 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022 - report by Head of Corporate Services (herewith) View Papers
17Publication of Elected Members Remuneration - report by Head of Corporate Services (herewith) View Papers
18Action taken in terms of Standing Order 31 (urgent business) :- View Papers
(a)Education Quality Assurance Committee Meeting Timetable - report by Depute Chief Executive (herewith) View Papers
(b)Performance Committee Meeting Timetable - report by Depute Chief Executive (herewith) View Papers
(c)Fauldhouse & The Breich Valley Local Area Committee - cacelleation of meeting on 24 May 2022