St John's Hospital Stakeholder Group Agenda - 13 February 2013, 14:30 Help

A meeting to be held at Boardroom 1, St. John's Hospital, Howden (and by video conference call from Waverley Gate) at 14:30 on 13 February 2013.

For further information please contact James Millar, 01506 281613, or Peter Reith, 0131 465 5672,

Number Item
Public Session 
1Apologies for Absence.
2Order of Business.
3Declarations of Interest - Members are reminded that they should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
4(a) Minute of meeting held on 9 January 2013 View Papers
(a)(b) Matters arising
5Paediatric Services and Children's Ward at St. John's Hospital - update. View Papers
6Work Plan as at 13 February 2013. View Papers
7DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS - 13 March 2013 and then 10 April 2013, both at 2.30 pm