Community Planning Partnership Board Agenda - 19 November 2012, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, West Lothian Civic Centre at 10:00 on 19 November 2012.

For further information please contact Val Johnston, Tel No.01506 281604 or email

Number Item
Public Session 
1Apologies for Absence View Papers
2Order of Business, including notice of urgent business
3Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. View Papers
4Confirm Minutes of Meeting of Community Planning Partnership Board held on 13 August 2012 (herewith). View Papers
5Community Planning Strategic Assessment - Report by Community Planning Development Manager (herewith) View Papers
6Community Planning and SOA Development Plan - Report by Community Planning Development Manager (to follow) View Papers
7Developments in Early Years and Early Intervention Activity at Local and National Levels - Report by Head of Social Policy (herewith) View Papers
8GIRFEC Update - Report by Head of Social Policy (herewith) View Papers
9Community Planning Partners Involvement in West Lothian Schools Mentoring Programme - Report by Jim Gallacher (herewith) View Papers
Public Items for Information 
10Scottish Government Information Note for Community Planning Partnerships on applying an ecosystems approach - Making the Most of Communities' Natural Assets : Green Infrastructure - Report by Acting Head of Planning and Economic Development (herewith) View Papers
11Minutes from Thematic Forums - View Papers
(a)Minute of Meeting of Community Safety Board, held 26 June 2012 (herewith) View Papers
(b)Minute of Meeting of the Economic Forum, held 5 September 2012 (herewith) View Papers
(c)Minute of Meetings of CHCP Sub-Committee, held on 21 June and 18 October 2012 (herewith) View Papers
12Dates of 2013 Meetings - View Papers
(a)Monday 25 February 2013
(b)Monday 10 June 2013
(c)Monday 26 August 2013
(d)Monday 18 November 2013