Development Management Committee Agenda - 17 November 2010, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, Civic Centre at 10:00 on 17 November 2010.

For further information please contact Val Johnston Tel No.01506 281604 or email

Number Item
Public Session 
1Apologies for Absence View Papers
2Order of Business, including notice of urgent business View Papers
3Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. View Papers
4Confirm Minutes of Meeting of Development Management Committee held on 20 October 2010 (herewith). View Papers
Public Items for Decision 
5Application No.0467/FUL/10 - Erection of a 2842sqm biomass heat and power plant at Tesco Distribution Centre, Carnegie Road, Deans Industrial Estate, Livingston (herewith) View Papers
6Application No.0511/H/10 - Single Storey extension to house at 3 Limefield Road, Polbeth, West Calder (herewith) View Papers
7Application No.0528/FUL/10 - Proposed waste management facility thermal treatment (gasification) plant and buildings, storage facilities and landscaping at Levenseat, by Forth (herewith) View Papers
8Application No.0565/FUL/10 - Change of use from car showroom to class 1 retail at former Armadale Motor Company, Bathgate Road, Armadale (herewith) View Papers
9Application No.0620/FUL/10 - Change of use from domestic garage to (class 2) dog grooming business (in retrospect) at 100 Overton Crescent, East Calder (herewith) View Papers
10Application No.0638/FUL/10 - Change of use from public open space to private garden ground and erection of a boundary fence at 83 Gowanbank, ladywell, Livingston (herewith) View Papers
11Application No.0656/FUL/10 - Change of land from landscape area to form disabled parking bay at 169 Clement Rise, Dedridge, Livingston (herewith) View Papers
12Application No.0659/FUL/10 - Introduction of glazing and spandrel panels to a section of rainscreeen cladding to allow an existing storeroom to be used as a meeting room at Civic Centre, Howden South Road, Livingston (herewith) View Papers
13Application No.0660/P/10 - Planning permission in principle for demolition of two sheds and erection of a single storey house at site at Parkhead, Linlithgow (herewith) View Papers
14Application No.0721/FUL/10 - Replacement of existing bridge, minor regrading of approach paths and installation of replacement gates at Low Port Education Centre, Blackness Road, Linlithgow (herewith) View Papers
15Application No.0746/FUL/10 - Formation of a public square at land to the east side of Armadale Road to the rear of 1-3 East Main Street, Whitburn (herewith) View Papers
Public Items for Information 
16List of Delegated Decisions on Planning Applications 15th October to 5th November 2010 (herewith) View Papers
17Appeals - View Papers
(a)Application No.0216/FUL/09 - Erection of 2 houses at Dechmont House, Woodlands Park, Deans, Livingston - Appeal submitted against refusal of planning permission upheld.