Development Management Committee Agenda - 17 December 2009, 13:30 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, Civic Centre at 13:30 on 17 December 2009.

Please note that plans and correspondence referred to in reports can be viewed by contacting the Committee Officer.

Number Item
Public Session 
01Apologies for Absence View Papers
02Order of Business, including notice of urgent business
03Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. View Papers
04Confirm Minutes of Meeting of Development Management Committee held on Wednesday 18 November 2009 (herewith) View Papers
Public Items for Decision 
05Application No: 0128/ARM/08 - Erection of 13 houses with garages and associated access road at Woodthorpe Garden Centre, Balmuir Road, Bathgate (herewith) View Papers
06Application No: 0527/FUL/09 - Erection of a retail garden centre incorporating restaurant/cafe and farm food hall with ancillary works including car parking, access, works to Dechmont Roundabout, outdoor display/demonstration gardens and landscaping at Land at Dechmont Roundabout, Houstoun Mains, Broxburn (herewith) View Papers
07Application No 0239/P/09 - Outline planning permission for the erection of a machinery store and house a Leafy Lodge, Bridgecastle Road, By Bathgate (herewith) View Papers
08Application No 0700/H/09 - Raising of garage roof, extension to house and installation of dormers to form first floor accommodation, at 28 Castle Road, Bathgate, EH48 2UB (herewith) View Papers
09Application No 0733/FUL/09 - Erection of statue and other works at Niddry Road, Winchburgh (herewith) View Papers
10Application No 0748/FUL/09 - Demolition of existing stair and erection of new access stair and walkway at 40-48 East Main Street, Broxburn (herewith) View Papers
11Application No 0749/FUL/09 & 0750/LBC/09 - Demolition of house and erection of a two storey house at Creag an Tuirc, Station Road, Linlithgow, EH49 6BW (herewith). View Papers
12Application No 0782/H/09 - Demolition of garage and erection of double garage/store at Land adjacent to 1 Combfoot Cottages, Mid Calder (herewith) View Papers
Public Items for Information 
13List of Delegated Decisions on Planning Applications - 20th November to 4th December 2009 (herewith) View Papers