Partnership and Resources Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (replaced by the new Corporate Policy & Resources PDSP 22-6-22) Agenda - 16 April 2010, 08:30 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, West Lothian Civic Centre, Livingston at 08:30 on 16 April 2010.

For further information please contact Anne Higgins, Tel: 01506 281601

Number Item
Public Session 
1Apologies for Absence View Papers
2Order of Business, including notice of urgent business
3Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
4Minute of Meeting of Partnership and Resources Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel held on Friday 19 February 2010 (herewith) View Papers
508.35 - 09.00 am: Strategic Development Plan - Main Issues Report, Monitoring Statement and Supporting Documents - Report by Planning Services Manager (herewith) - NOTE THAT ALL ELECTED MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS ITEM OF BUSINESS View Papers
609.00 - 09.15 am: Life Stage Outcome Planning Programme - Report by Life Stages Programme Manager (herewith) View Papers
709.15 - 09.25 am: Business Continuity Management - Report by Director of Development and Environmental Services (herewith) View Papers
809.25 - 09.35 am: Risk Management - Report by Head of Finance (herewith) View Papers
909.35 - 09.45 am: Procurement Strategy - Report by Head of Finance (herewith) View Papers
1009.45 - 09.55 am: Performance Report from the Corporate Performance Management System - Report by Chief Executive (herewith) View Papers
1109.55 - 10.05 am: West Lothian Citizens Panel and Quality of Life Survey 2010 - Report by Head of Cultural, Communities and Economic Development (herewith) View Papers
1210.05 - 10.15 am: Professional Development Certificate for Elected Members - Report by Head of Support Services (herewith) View Papers
1310.15 - 10.45 am: Management Plans 2010/11 - View Papers
(a)Property Services Management Plan 2010/11 - Report by Head of Property Services (herewith) View Papers
(b)Customer Services Management Plan 2010-2011 - Report by Head of Customer Services (herewith) View Papers
(c)Support Services Management Plan 2010/11 - Report by Head of Support Services (herewith) View Papers
(d)Finance Services Management Plan 2009/2010 - Report by Head of Finance (herewith) View Papers
14Workplan (herewith) View Papers