Health and Care Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (merged into the new Social Work and Health PDSP 22-6-22) Agenda - 21 October 2009, 14:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Conference Room 2, Civic Centre at 14:00 on 21 October 2009.

Number Item
Public Session 
01Apologies for Absence View Papers
02Order of Business, including notice of urgent business View Papers
03Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
04Confirm the Minute of the Meeting of the Panel held on 9 September 2009 (herewith). View Papers
05Services Offered by the Scottish Ambulance Service in West Lothian - Presentation by Mr John Alexander, Head of Service for Lothian, Scottish Ambulance Service. View Papers
06Extended Hours for GP Practices - Report by CHCP Director (herewith). View Papers
07Choose Life - Suicide Prevention Event Activities 2009 - Report by CHCP Director (herewith). View Papers
08Breastfeeding Funding - Report by CHCP Director (herewith). View Papers
09School Food - Report by Head of Social Policy (herewith). View Papers
10Health Improvement Team Service Statement 2009-2012 - Report by Head of Social Policy (herewith). View Papers
11Life Expectancy 2006-2008 - Report by Head of Social Policy (herewith). View Papers
12CHCP Workplan Update - Report by CHCP Director (herewith). View Papers
13NHS Lothian Rezoning Proposals - Discussion led by the Chair. View Papers
14ITEM NOT ON ORIGINAL AGENDA - Change of Member View Papers