Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (replaced by the Environment & Sustainability PDSP 22-6-22) Agenda - 04 December 2008, 14:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Conference Room 1, West Lothian House at 14:00 on 04 December 2008.

Number Item
02Order of Business, including notice of urgent business
03Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
04Confirm the Minute of the Meeting held on 16th October 2008 (herewith) View Papers
05Workplan/Potential Issues for Policy Panel up to 29th January 2009 (herewith). View Papers
5Apologies for Absence View Papers
06West Lothian Council Response to COSLA/Scottish Government Consultation on Proposals for Future Zero Waste Fund Allocation - Report by Head of Operational Services (herewith). View Papers
07Vehicle Emissions - Promotional Activities - Report by Environmental Health and Trading Standards Manager (herewith). View Papers
08Home Reports - Report by Environmental Health and Trading Standards Manager (herewith). View Papers
09The Estate Agents Redress Scheme - Report by Environmental Health and Trading Standards Manager (herewith). View Papers
10NETs and Land Services Customer Service Standards Update on Performance - Report by Head of Operational Services (herewith). View Papers
11The Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Bill - Report by Head of Operational Services (herewith). View Papers
12Unauthorised Signage and Fly Posting - Report by Development Control Manager (herewith). View Papers