Committees, etc. Help Icon

This is a list of all Council Committees.

Click on a specific Committee to view more detailed information about them.

The list can be ordered by Type or Title by clicking on the appropriate column heading.

Title Order the Committees by Name Type Order the Committees by Type
Social Policy, Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (merged into the new Social Work and Health PDSP 22-6-22) Committees
Social Work and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel Committees
St John's Hospital Stakeholder Group Joint Cttees with Other Authorities
Voluntary Organisations Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (merged into Economy, Community Empowerment & Wealth Building PDSP 22-06-2022 Committees
West Lothian (Placing In Schools) Appeals Committee (Private) Statutory Boards & Committees
West Lothian Council Council
West Lothian Council (Planning) Committees
West Lothian Council Planning Committee Committees
West Lothian Integration Joint Board Statutory Body Corporate
West Lothian Integration Joint Board Appointments Committee Statutory Body Corporate


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