Submission Documents: Application Nos.0972/MSC/23, 0333/MSC/24, 0116/LBC/24, 0292/LBC/24, 0109/LBC/24 & 0161/LBC/23 - Approval of matters specified in conditions of planning permission 1019/P/19 for the
erection of 394 houses and 82 flats and the conversion of listed buildings to form 32 flats, with roads, parking, landscaping and associated works (revised layout and house types);and Approval of matters specified in conditions of planning permission 1019/P/19 for the conversion, alteration and partial demolition of the former Admin Block and Wards 1 and 2 to form 31 flats; and And four associated applications for listed building consent, all at : former Bangour Village Hospital, Dechmont (herewith) 
This is the list of documents available for the submission Application Nos.0972/MSC/23, 0333/MSC/24, 0116/LBC/24, 0292/LBC/24, 0109/LBC/24 & 0161/LBC/23 - Approval of matters specified in conditions of planning permission 1019/P/19 for the erection of 394 houses and 82 flats and the conversion of listed buildings to form 32 flats, with roads, parking, landscaping and associated works (revised layout and house types);and Approval of matters specified in conditions of planning permission 1019/P/19 for the conversion, alteration and partial demolition of the former Admin Block and Wards 1 and 2 to form 31 flats; and And four associated applications for listed building consent, all at : former Bangour Village Hospital, Dechmont (herewith).
Click on the links to view the individual documents in PDF format.