Submission Documents: Application No.1184/MSC/20 - Approval of matters specified in conditions of planning permission 0524/P/09 for the erection of 113 houses and 59 flats with associated works (30 houses & 27 flats on Area LKg, 50 houses & 16 flats on Area CWb, 14 houses & 8 flats on Area CWc, 19 houses & 8 flats on Area OSd), Calderwood, East Calderwood (herewith)
This is the list of documents available for the submission Application No.1184/MSC/20 - Approval of matters specified in conditions of planning permission 0524/P/09 for the erection of 113 houses and 59 flats with associated works (30 houses & 27 flats on Area LKg, 50 houses & 16 flats on Area CWb, 14 houses & 8 flats on Area CWc, 19 houses & 8 flats on Area OSd), Calderwood, East Calderwood (herewith).
Click on the links to view the individual documents in PDF format.