Submission Documents: Application No.0235/FUL/17 - Formation of wind farm consisting of 12 turbines with maximum height to blade tip of 125m and maximum generating capacity of 48MW, crane hardstandings, access tracks, underground cabling, construction compound/storage area, substation/control building and borrow pits at Fauch Hill, West Colzium and Crosswoodburn, West Calder (herewith) Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission Application No.0235/FUL/17 - Formation of wind farm consisting of 12 turbines with maximum height to blade tip of 125m and maximum generating capacity of 48MW, crane hardstandings, access tracks, underground cabling, construction compound/storage area, substation/control building and borrow pits at Fauch Hill, West Colzium and Crosswoodburn, West Calder (herewith).

Click on the links to view the individual documents in PDF format.

Name Type of Document Access View Document
Item Minute - 13 December 2017 Minute Public Open Document in PDF Format
(7 KB)
0235 Wind Farm at Fauch Hill.pdf Report Public Open Document in PDF Format
(21.75 MB)


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