Submission Documents: Application No.0230/FUL/16 - Variation to planning permission 0284/FUL/15 incorporating substitution of house types at plots 5, 6, 25 and 26, realignment of plots along the east boundary to allow for drainage works and realignment of existing drainage ditch together with formation of earth bunding along north boundary with garage/filling state at Nelson Park, Mallace Avenue, Armadale (herewith) Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission Application No.0230/FUL/16 - Variation to planning permission 0284/FUL/15 incorporating substitution of house types at plots 5, 6, 25 and 26, realignment of plots along the east boundary to allow for drainage works and realignment of existing drainage ditch together with formation of earth bunding along north boundary with garage/filling state at Nelson Park, Mallace Avenue, Armadale (herewith).

Click on the links to view the individual documents in PDF format.

Name Type of Document Access View Document
Item Minute - 15 June 2016 Minute Public Open Document in PDF Format
(66 KB)
0230 - Nelson Park, Armadale .pdf Report Public Open Document in PDF Format
(9.43 MB)


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