Submission History: Action Taken in terms of Standing Order 31 (Urgent Business) - To note the action taken in terms of Standing Order 31 (Urgent Business) to provide approval for the submission of a response to the DPEA in relation to Planning Appeal PPA-400-2152: for a proposed mixed-use development at Cousland Farm, Livingston - report by Chief Solicitor (herewith). Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Action Taken in terms of Standing Order 31 (Urgent Business) - To note the action taken in terms of Standing Order 31 (Urgent Business) to provide approval for the submission of a response to the DPEA in relation to Planning Appeal PPA-400-2152: for a proposed mixed-use development at Cousland Farm, Livingston - report by Chief Solicitor (herewith).".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Development Management Committee 18/01/2023 Click here