Submission History: Application No: 0810/FUL/17 - Erection of a mixed use development comprising of 5 ground floor units for class 1 shops, class 2 financial, professional & other services and class 4 business and 10 (1-bedroom) flats on the first floor with associated works at the Firs, Polbeth (herewith).
This is the history for the submission "Application No: 0810/FUL/17 - Erection of a mixed use development comprising of 5 ground floor units for class 1 shops, class 2 financial, professional & other services and class 4 business and 10 (1-bedroom) flats on the first floor with associated works at the Firs, Polbeth (herewith).".
It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.
Committee | Meeting | View Agenda |
Development Management Committee | 07/11/2018 | Click here |