Submission History: Application No.0418/MSC/17 - Application for approval of reserved matters specified in conditions of planning permission 0050/P/08 for the development of 248 houses and 18 flats, landscaping and accesses, formation of ecological habitat and land for 20 affordable homes on land at Drumshoreland Road, Pumpherston (herewith)
This is the history for the submission "Application No.0418/MSC/17 - Application for approval of reserved matters specified in conditions of planning permission 0050/P/08 for the development of 248 houses and 18 flats, landscaping and accesses, formation of ecological habitat and land for 20 affordable homes on land at Drumshoreland Road, Pumpherston (herewith)".
It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.
Committee | Meeting | View Agenda |
Development Management Committee | 23/11/2017 | Click here |