Register of Interests for : Sally Pattle  Help Icon

This page shows you Sally Pattle declared interests.

Date Section Type Description
29/06/2022 Register of Interests 2022 Remuneration Employed - Far from the Madding Crowd Bookshop, Linlithgow
29/06/2022   Election Expenses West Lothian Liberal Democrats - £1555.72
29/06/2022 Houses, Land and Buildings Owner Property in West Lothian
29/06/2022   Non-Financial Interests West Lothian Liberal Democrats - Campaign Convener
29/06/2022 Scottish Liberal Democrats - Member
29/06/2022     Linlithgow High Street Traders' Association - Member, convener
29/06/2022 Linlithgow Civic Festival Society - Member, treasurer (Ceased on dissolution on 31/01/2023)
29/06/2022     Linlithgow Community Arts Association - Member
29/06/2022 Linlithgow & Linlithgow Bridge Community Council - Member and Vice-Chair until May 2022
29/06/2022     Booksellers' Association - Member

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