Register of Interests for : Andrew McGuire  Help Icon

This page shows you Andrew McGuire declared interests.

Date Section Type Description
05/05/2022 OB - Trustee of Charitable Trust OB - Trustee of Charitable Trust James Wood Bequest for a Nurse
05/05/2022     James Wood Bequest for the Poor (Armadale)
05/05/2022 James Wood Bequest for the Poor (Blackridge & Torphichen)
05/05/2022     Miss Christina Shaw Bequest (Charitable Trust)
05/05/2022 Robert Turner of Armadale (Charitable Trust)
05/05/2022     Robert Turner of Armadale (Charitable Trust)
24/05/2022 Outside Body Appointment Council Appointment Community Planning Partnership Board
24/05/2022     Cosla Executive Board - Children and Young People
24/05/2022 Head Teacher Appointment Panel
24/05/2022     West Lothian (Placing In Schools) Appeals Committee (Private)
07/06/2022 Citizens Advice Bureau West Lothian
07/06/2022     Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) Limited
07/06/2022 West Lothian Educational Trust
28/06/2022 Register of Interests 2022 Remuneration Employed - Wheatley Homes East (formerly Dunedin Canmore Housing Association, name changed 12 October 2022), Housing Officer
28/06/2022 Election Expenses Labour Party, Linlithgow Constituency - £1042.12
28/06/2022   Houses, Land and Buildings Owner Property in West Lothian
28/06/2022 Non-Financial Interests Chartered Institute of Housing - Chartered member
28/06/2022     St Anthony's Social Club - Member
28/06/2022 West Lothian Leisure Xcite - Member (gym)
28/06/2022     Historic Scotland - Member
28/06/2022 Labour Party - Member - ceased as at 9th January 2024
28/06/2022     Labour Party, Linlithgow Constituency - Member, secretary - ceased as at 9th January 2024
28/06/2022 Unison Trade Union - Member
28/06/2022     Capital Credit Union - Member
28/06/2022 Royal British Legion, Bathgate Branch - Member
08/09/2022   Houses, Land and Buildings Tenant, garage property in West Lothian (from 19 August 2022)

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