West Lothian Council Planning Committee Agenda - 26 May 2010, 09:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, Civic Centre at 09:00 on 26 May 2010.

For further information please contact Val Johnston Tel No.01506 281604, val.johnston@westlothian.gov.uk

Number Item
Public Session 
2Order of Business, including notice of urgent business View Papers
3Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. View Papers
4Confirm Minute of Meeting of West Lothian Council Planning Committee held on 03 March 2010 (herewith). View Papers
5Procedure for Armadale Planning Applications (herewith) View Papers
Public Items for Information 
6Retail and Planning Issues in Armadale - An Overview - Report by Development Management Manager (herewith) View Papers
Public Items for Decision 
7Application No.0893/P/08 - Planning in principle for a 26.6ha residential and retail development at Lower Bathville, Armadale (herewith) View Papers
8Application No.1044/P/08 - Planning permission in principle for a proposed mix-use development , including residential, commercial, retail, school and leisure facilities together with associated infrastructure and open space provision at land at Armadale Station, Armadale (herewith) View Papers
9Application No.0147/P/09 - Planning in principle for a 34ha residential and retail development with associated works at Bathgate Road, Armadale (herewith) View Papers
10Application No.0224/FUL/09 - Erection of a 6170sqm (gross floor space) supermarket with petrol filling station and associated car parking and landscaping at Armadale Stadium, Bathgate Road, Armadale (herewith) View Papers
11Application No.0403/P/09 - Planning permission in principle for class 1 retail development (maximum 2322sqm gross floor area) and the reprovision of park facilities (2 grass pitches, play area, multi-use games area and BMX track) at Watson Park, Armadale (herewith) View Papers
12Application No.0439/FUL/09 - Erection of a 3716sqm supermarket , park and ride car park including public transport interchange, associated public space, car parking and primary infrastructure and associated uses at land at Armadale Station, Armadale (herewith) View Papers
13Application No.0534/P/09 - Planning permision in principle for a supermarket (maximum 6038sqm gross floor area) with petrol filling station and associated car parking and landscaping at Colinshiel Farm, Bathgate Road, Armadale (herewith) View Papers
14Application No.0555/P/09 - Planning permission in principle for redevleopment of existing class 1 retail store to form smaller store, erection of a new class 1 retail store and alterations to existing used car display area with associated works at 32 West Main Street and Volunteer Park, North Street, Armadale (herewith) View Papers
Public Session 
20Apologies for Absence View Papers