Development and Transport Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (replaced by the Economy, Community Empower & Wealth Building PDSP 22-06-22) Agenda - 24 June 2010, 08:30 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, Civic Centre at 08:30 on 24 June 2010.

For further information please contact James Millar (01506 281613) or e-mail

Number Item
Public Session 
1Apologies for Absence. View Papers
2Order of Business, including notice of urgent business. View Papers
3Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. View Papers
4Confirm Minute of Meeting of the Panel held on 13th May 2010 (herewith). View Papers
5Contingency Strategy: Timetable of Meetings - report by Head of Planning and Economic Development (herewith). View Papers
6Dualling of the A801 Dualling SPG: Consultation Responses - report by Transportation Manager (herewith). View Papers
7Parking Design Standards - joint report by Head of Service - Planning and Economic Development and Head of Service - Operational Services (herewith). View Papers
8Update on Visitwestlothian and Tourism in West Lothian - report by Head of Planning and Economic Development (herewith). View Papers
9Update on European Funding - report by Head of Planning and Economic Development (herewith). View Papers
10Development of a Public Transport Service Evaluation Framework - report by Public Transport Manager (herewith). View Papers
11Bus Service Information Strategy - report by Public Transportation Manager (herewith). View Papers
12Workplan to December 2010 (herewith). View Papers
13Items Not on Original Agenda - Tabled at Meeting -
(a)West Lothian Credit Union (Trading as Livingston Credit Union) - report by Head of Area Services (herewith). View Papers
(b)Consultation Response to Scottish Government Public Petitions Committee - PE1326 Review of Compulsory Purchase Powers - report by Head of Property Services (herewith). View Papers