West Lothian Community Health and Care Partnership Board - Superseded by West Lothian Shadow Integration Joint Board Agenda - 28 April 2009, 14:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Strathbrock Partnership Board at 14:00 on 28 April 2009.

Number Item
Public Session 
01Apologies for Absence View Papers
02Order of Business, including notice of urgent business View Papers
03Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
04Minutes - View Papers
(a)Confirm Minute of Meeting of West Lothian Community Health and Care Partnership Board held on 17 March 2009 (herewith). View Papers
(b)Note Minute of the Meeting of the Primary and Community Partnership Committee of NHS Lothian Board held on Wednesday 11 March 2009 (herewith). View Papers
05Chair's Report - Report by CHCP Chair (herewith). View Papers
06Risk Management - View Papers
(a)Presentation by Chris Haywood, Risk & Insurance Officer, West Lothian Council and Maire Harper, Risk Management Co-ordinator NHS Lothian. View Papers
(b)Report by CHCP Director (herewith). View Papers
07Single Outcome Agreement -  View Papers
(a)Presentation by Allister Short, Strategic Programme Manager (Community Planning) NHS Lothian and Karen Cawte, Community Planning Manager, West Lothian Council. View Papers
(b)Report by CHCP Director (herewith). View Papers
08Civic Centre - Report by CHCP Director (herewith). View Papers
09National Dental Inspection Programme for Scotland 2008 - Report by Clinical Director, SPCDS (herewith). View Papers
10Early Years Framework - Report by Acting Head of Council Services (herewith). View Papers
11Short Stay Elective Surgery Update - Report by CHCP Director (herewith). View Papers
12CRABIS Ninth Annual Report 2009 - Report by Acting Head of Health Services (herewith). View Papers
13Progress of Action Plan in response to HMIe Inspection - Report by Acting Head of Council Services (herewith). View Papers
14Clinical Governance - Report by Clinical Director (herewith). View Papers
15Performance Management - View Papers
(a)Financial Position - West Lothian CHCP - Report by Acting Head of Council Services & Acting Head of Health Services (herewith). View Papers
(b)Allocation and Waiting Times for Adults and Older People's Occupational Therapy and Social Work Services Referral - Report by Acting Head of Council Services (herewith). View Papers
(c)Delayed Hospital Discharge - Report by Acting Head of Council Services (herewith). View Papers
(d)Absence Management - West Lothian CHCP - Report by Acting Head of Council Services & Acting Head of Health Services (to follow). View Papers
(e)Single Shared Assessment and Use of C-Me - Report by Acting Head of Council Services (herewith). View Papers
(f)Activity and Waiting Times for AHPs - Report by Acting Head of Health Services (herewith). View Papers
(g)Did Not Attend (DNA) Rates within the Allied Health Professions - Acting Head of Health Services (herewith). View Papers
16Performance Management Report (NHS Lothian) - Report by CHCP Director (herewith). View Papers
17Tackling Delayed Discharge (NHS Lothian) - Report by CHCP Director (herewith). View Papers
18Director's Report - Report by CHCP Director (herewith). View Papers