West Lothian Council Agenda - 24 September 2024, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, West Lothian Civic Centre, Livingston, EH54 6FF at 10:00 on 24 September 2024.

For further information please contact Val Johnston, Tel No.01506 281604 or email val.johnston@westlothian.gov.uk

Number Item
Public Session 
1Apologies for Absence
2Declarations of Interest - Members must declare any interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda items and the nature of their interests. View Papers
3Order of Business, including notice of urgent business, declarations of interest in any urgent business and consideration of reports for information.

The Chair will invite members to identify any such reports they wish to have fully considered, which failing they will be taken as read and their recommendations approved.
4Minutes :-
(a)Confirm Draft Minutes of Meeting of West Lothian Council held on Tuesday 14 May 2024 (herewith) View Papers
(b)Confirm Draft Minutes of Meeting of West Lothian Council held on Tuesday 11 June 2024 (herewith) View Papers
(c)Correspondence arising from previous decisions (herewith) View Papers
(d)Note Minutes of Meeting of Employee Appeals Committee (Private) held on Friday 31 May 2024 (herewith) View Papers
(e)Note Minutes of Meeting of Audit Committee held on Friday 26 April 2024 (herewith) View Papers
(f)Note Minutes of Meeting of Performance Committee held on Monday 29 April 2024 (herewith). View Papers
(g)Note Minutes of Meeting of Performance Committee held on Monday 17 June 2024 (herewith). View Papers
(h)Note Minutes of Meeting of Education (Quality Assurance) Committee held on Tuesday 30 April 2024 (herewith) View Papers
(i)Note Minutes of Meeting of Education (Quality Assurance) Committee held on Tuesday 28 May 2024 (herewith) View Papers
(j)Note Minutes of Meeting of West Lothian Leisure Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 21 May 2024 (herewith) View Papers
(k)Note Minutes of Meeting of Joint Consultative Group (Teaching Staff) (Private) held on Monday 19 February 2024 (herewith)
(l)Note Minutes of Meeting of Governance and Risk Committee held on Monday 10 June 2024 (herewith). View Papers
5By-Election Return - Armadale & Blackridge Ward By-Election held on Thursday 22 August 2024 - report by Governance Manager (herewith)
Public Items for Decision 
6Election Business
7West Lothian Annual Accounts :-
(a)Annual Audit Report to Members and the Controller of Audit 2023/24 and Best Value Thematic Review 2023/24 - report by Head of Finance and Property Services (by delegated appointment) (herewith) View Papers
(b)Annual Audit Report to Members and the Controller of Audit - year ended 31 March 2024 - report by Audit Scotland (herewith) View Papers
(c)Best Value Thematic Review 2023/24 - Workforce Innovation - report by Audit Scotland (herewith) View Papers
(d)West Lothian Council - Annual Accounts Year Ended 31st March 2024 (herewith) View Papers
8Amendment to Scheme of Administration - Development Management Committee - report by Chief Executive (herewith) View Papers
9Notice of Motion - Congratulations to Kara Young - submitted by Councillor Angela Doran-Timson (herewith) View Papers
10Notice of Motion - Congratulations to Whitburn Academy pupil Hope Sinclair - submitted by Councillor Mary Dickson (herewith) View Papers
11Notice of Motion - European Gold for Kara Young and for Broxburn, West Lothian and Scotland - submitted by Councillor Janet Campbell (herewith) View Papers
12Notice of Motion - Community Asset Transfer - submitted by Councillor Janet Campbell (herewith) View Papers
13Notice of Motion - Abolish the Abhorrent Two Child Benefit Cap - submitted by Councillor Moira McKee Shemilt (herewith) View Papers
14Notice of Motion - Winter Fuel Allowance - submitted by Councillor Moira McKee Shemilt (herewith) View Papers
15Notice of Motion - Congratulations to James Vickers - submitted by Councillor Veronica Smith (herewith) View Papers
16Notice of Motion - Congratulations to Grant Walker - submitted by Councillor Alison Adamson (herewith) View Papers
17Notice of Motion - Congratulations to People's Ford Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia Pipe Band - submitted by Councillor Alison Adamson (herewith) View Papers
18Notice of Motion - Congratulations to Lena Zielinska – Debating Success - submitted by Councillor Angela Doran-Timson (herewith) View Papers
19Notice of Motion - Congratulations Teigan Thomson Young Writers competition - submitted by Councillor Angela Doran-Timson (herewith) View Papers
20Notice of Motion - West Lothian Road Surface Issues - submitted by Councillor Peter Heggie (herewith) View Papers
21Notice of Motion - Solidarity with Palestine - submitted by Councillor Sally Pattle (herewith) View Papers
22Notice of Motion - Care Experience - submitted by Councillor Sally Pattle (herewith) View Papers
23Notice of Motion - Anti-Social Behaviour - submitted by Councillor Angela Doran-Timson (herewith) View Papers
24Notice of Motion - GP Surgeries - submitted by Councillor Damian Doran-Timson (herewith) View Papers
25Notice of Motion - Congratulation to Bennie Museum Weavers - submitted by Councillor Pauline Stafford (herewith) View Papers
26Notice of Motion - Change to Chairing Proceedings - submitted by Councillor W Boyle (herewith) View Papers
Public Items for Information 
27Documents for Execution
28Corporate Governance 2023/24 - Annual Report for Members - report by Chief Executive (herewith) View Papers
29Winchburgh Railway Station Update - report by Head of Planning, Economic Development and Regeneration (herewith) View Papers
30Treasury Management - Annual Report for 2023/24 - report by Head of Finance and Property Services (herewith) View Papers
31Covid-19 Local Recovery and Renewal Fund - Question to Council Leader - submitted by Councillor Andrew McGuire (herewith) View Papers
32Use of Pesticides - Question to Executive Councillor for Environment & Sustainability - submitted by Councillor Sally Pattle (herewith) View Papers
33Diversion of Nature Restoration Funds - Question to Executive Councillor for Environment & Sustainability - submitted by Councillor Sally Pattle (herewith) View Papers
34Transport to School - Question to Executive Councillor for Education - submitted by Councillor Sally Pattle (herewith) View Papers
35Overtime Hours to Operate Community Centres - Question to Council Leader - submitted by Councillor Pauline Orr (herewith) View Papers
36Overtime Costs to Operate Community Centres - Question to Council Leader - submitted by Councillor Pauline Orr (herewith) View Papers
37Offer of Overtime Hours to Staff - Question to Council Leader - submitted by Councillor Pauline Orr (herewith) View Papers
38Use of Bleach to Kill Mould - Question to Executive Councillor for Environment & Sustainability - submitted by Councillor Pauline Orr (herewith) View Papers
39External Contractor Costs - Question to Executive Councillor for Housing Services - submitted by Councillor Maria MacAulay (herewith) View Papers
40Forth Green Port - Question to Executive Councillor for Economy, Community Empowerment & Wealth Building - submitted by Councillor Pauline Stafford (herewith) View Papers
41Mitsubishi Job Losses - Question to Executive Councillor for Economy, Community Empowerment & Wealth Building - submitted by Councillor Damian Doran-Timson (herewith) View Papers