West Lothian Licensing Board Agenda - 12 October 2012, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, West Lothian Civic Centre at 10:00 on 12 October 2012.

For further information please contact Licensing Team on 01506 281632

Number Item
Public Session 
1Apologies for Absence
2Minute of Public Session held on 14 September 2012 View Papers
3Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 - Applications for Provisional Grants (list herewith) View Papers
4Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 - Applications for Major Variations (list herewith) View Papers
5Minute of Private Session held on 14 September 2012 (print herewith)
6Festive Policy - verbal report from Depute Clerk and response from Forum
7Gambling Policy - Consider responses to consultation (report herewith)
8Agree future dates for board meeting (print herewith)
9Annual Fees - Report by Depute Clerk on non-payment of fees (print herewith)
10Late night site visits - Verbal report from Depute Clerk
11Forum Meeting - Verbal Report by Depute Clerk
12Gambling Training - presentation by Depute Clerk