Development Management Committee Agenda - 11 May 2011, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, Civic Centre at 10:00 on 11 May 2011.

For further information please contact Val Johnston, Tel No.01506 281604 or email

Number Item
Public Session 
1Apologies for Absence View Papers
2Order of Business, including notice of urgent business
3Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
4Confirm Minutes of Meeting of Development Management Committee held on 06 April 2011(herewith). View Papers
Public Items for Decision 
5Application No.0099/MSC/11 - Substitution of house type at Plot 10, Townhead Crofts, West Mains Farm, West Calder (herewith) View Papers
6Application No.0108/FUL/11 - Change of use from woodland to private garden ground at rear of no.11 Almond Grove, East Calder (herewith) View Papers
7Application No.0154/FUL/11 - Use of former walled garden as owl visitor centre with associated aviaries, covered flying display area, outdoor play area and education zone with associated works at The Walled Garden, Polkemmet Country Park, Whiburn (herewith) View Papers
8Application No.0194/FUL/11 - Erection of a 42.6sqm canoe store at Low Port Education Centre, Blackness Road, Linlithgow (herewith) View Papers
9Application No.0204/FUL/11 - Change of use from public open space to form an extension to a commercial garage yard (in retrospect) at Unit 1, Foulshiels Road, Stoneyburn (herewith) View Papers
10Application No.0614/FUL/08 - Erection of 10 houses with associated landscaping and infrastructure at land at Napier Avenue, Bathgate (herewith) View Papers
11Application No.0779/FUL/10 - Installation of a dual use monopole supporting 3 no. Vodafone antenna, 3 no. O2 antenna within the top shrouded section and 2 no. ground based equipment cabinets and ancillary development at Ladywell East Road, Livingston (herewith) View Papers
12Application No.0827/FUL/10 - Installation of a dual user monopole supporting 3 no. Vodafone antenna and 3 no. O2 antenna within the top shrouded section, 1 no. dual user ground based equipment cabinet and ancillary development at Alderstone Road, Livingston (herewith) View Papers
Public Items for Information 
13Consider List of Delegated Decisions on Planning Applications and Enforcement Action from 11th March to 25th March 2011 (herewith) View Papers
14Appeals - View Papers
(a)Application No.0805/FUL/08 - Variation of condition 1, 32 and 33 of outline planning permission reference 1119/P/03 to extend the expiry date of the application to 12/08/2012 to allow for 237 residential units to be constructed and alterations to the residential mix of the site at Ani Edgar Allen Ltd, Whitburn Road, Bathgate - Appeal against refusal of planning permission dismissed.
(b)Application No.0555/P/09 - Planning permision in principle for redevelopment of existing class 1 retail store to form smaller store, erection of a new class 1 retail store and alterations to existing used car display area with associated works at 22-32 West Main Street, and Volunteer Park, North Street, Armadale - Appeal against refusal of planning permission dismissed.
(c)Application No.0537/FUL/10 - Demolition of building and erection of 12 flats with associated car parking and landscpaing at Deans House, Glen Road, Deans, Livingston - Appeal against refusal of planning permission submitted.
(d)Application No.0766/FUL/10 - Additional storage of unprocessed and processed material on site of 50,000 tonnes to take capacity up to 75,000 tonnes at 15 Young Road, East Mains Industrial Estate, Broxburn - Appeal against refusal of planning permission submitted.
(e)Application No.0856/A/10 - Erection of a signboard at Riddochhill Colliery Site, Inchmuir Road, Whitehill Industrial Estate, Bathgate - Appeal against refusal of planning permission submitted.
Public Items for Decision 
15Application No.0191/P/09 - Outline planning permission for a 23ha residential development at Lower Bathville, Armadale (herewith) View Papers